9.1 Map data fields to Darwin Core

There are many possible ways of setting up your datasheets, and if you are new to OBIS you likely did not use standardized Darwin Core (DwC) or BODC vocabulary before samples were collected. In mapping your data fields to DwC we recommend documenting your choices so you have a reference to go back to should the need arise. In such a document you should take notes on the choices you made, as well as any actions you had to take (e.g. separate one column into many, convert dates or coordinates, etc.).

For example, a DwC mapping reference table could look like the following:

Verbatim field name Mapped DwC term Actions taken Notes
date eventDate convert dates to ISO
coordinates decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude convert ddmmss to decimal degrees, separated one column into 2 for longitude and latitude put original coordinates into verbatimCoordinates

In order to help you map your data to DwC terms, we have provided the table below which outlines some common data fields, their associated Darwin Core vocabulary, and which data table the field is likely to go in:

Common Raw Terms DwC Field Data table
Date, Time eventDate Event, Occurrence
Species, g_s, taxa scientificName Occurrence
Any biotic/abiotic measurements* measurementType, measurementValue, measurementUnit* eMoF
Depth maximumDepthInMeters or minimumDepthInMeters Event, Occurrence
Lat/Latitude, Lon/Long/Longitude, dd decimalLatitude, decimalLongitude Event, Occurrence
Sampling method samplingProtocol Event, eMoF
Sample size, N, #, No. sampleSizeValue Event, eMoF
Location locality Event
Presence, absence occurrenceStatus Occurrence
Type of record/ specimen basisofRecord Occurrence
Person/ people that recorded the original Occurrence recordedBy Occurrence
OrcID of person/ people that recorded the original Occurrence recordedByID Occurrence
Person/ people that identified the organism identifiedBy Occurrence
OrcID of person/ people that identified the organism identifiedByID Occurrence
Data collector, data creator recordedBy Event, Occurrence
Taxonomist, identifier identifiedBy Occurrence
Record number, sample number, observation number occurrenceID (either ID or incorporated into ID) Occurrence

Note that mapping abiotic/biotic measurement fields (sex, temperature, abundance, lengths, etc.) will occur within the extendedMeasurementOrFact extension. Here this data will go from being a separate column to being condensed into the measurementType and measurementValue fields.

The obistools R package also has the map_fields function that you can use to map your dataset fields to a DwC term.