3 OBIS Nodes, Coordination Groups, Secretariat

This page provides an overview of the Terms of Reference (ToR) that define the roles and responsibilities of each component within the OBIS network, including Nodes, the Steering Group, Co-Chairs, the Secretariat, Coordination Groups, and the Executive Committee.


3.1 OBIS nodes

OBIS Nodes are either national projects, programmes, institutes, or organizations, National Ocean Data Centers or regional or international projects, programmes and institutions or organizations that carry out data management functions. OBIS nodes Terms of Reference are detailed below.


  • OBIS nodes can be national, regional or thematic
  • Be an IODE National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC), or IODE Associate Data Unit (ADU)
  • Be responsible for ensuring the timely delivery of high-quality data (and metadata) and data flows from marine data providers to OBIS and/or other global aggregators (e.g. GBIF) following the principle of “publish once“, the guidelines in the OBIS manual (with respect to obtaining permission, licenses, QC…) and the FAIR Data Principles
  • At least one staff member holds a current OBIS certification (completing recognized training OBIS/OTGA course “Contributing and publishing datasets to OBIS”) with a 12 month grace period for acquiring said certification after a Node is established
  • Be compliant with the IOC data policy (http://iode.org/policy) and implementation guidelines from OBIS (Data Policy) with a 12 month grace period for achieving compliance after a Node is established
  • Be a member of the Nodes Coordination Group (Nodes CG), and other OBIS coordination groups if desirable
  • Provide an annual work plan to the Nodes CG and report on activities to the Nodes CG
  • Provide user/community support (e.g data queries, data analyses, and feedback)


  • May maintain a presence on the Internet (e.g., a web page, social media or data portal) representing their specific area of responsibility
  • May establish and/or join OBIS collaboration agreements with OBIS partners, and report on these collaborations to the Nodes CG
  • Encouraged to undertake outreach and communication activities (e.g. social media, conferences), in accordance with the OBIS Communication Plan
  • Encouraged to engage in capacity development activities in collaboration with the OBIS secretariat. These activities may include offering expertisel, conducting academic and professional training sessions, and providing support in various aspects of data management. Additionally, assistance in publishing data to global aggregators like OBIS and GBIF, utilizing relevant technologies, and applying our community standards and best practices
  • Encouraged to engage in adjacent and affiliated user communities and actively seek new partners (e.g. data providers, data using partners)


  • OBIS nodes are eligible to become a member of the SG and have voting rights. A formal letter expressing their commitment to contribute according to Terms of Reference of the SG must be renewed every 2 years
  • OBIS nodes can become a member of and contribute to the various OBIS coordination groups

3.1.1 Become an OBIS node

OBIS nodes now operate under the IODE network as either National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODCs) or Associate Data Unites (ADUs). Prospective nodes are required to apply to the IODE for membership.

The procedure to become an OBIS node is as follows:

  • If you are an existing NODC (within the IODE network) and the OBIS node activities fall under the activities of the NODC:
    • Send a letter expressing your interest to become an OBIS node (including contact information of the OBIS node manager, and geographical/thematic scope of your OBIS node)
  • If you are not an existing NODC:
    • Email your application form to become an IODE Associate Data Unit (ADU), with a specific role as OBIS node. Applications for ADU membership in OBIS shall be reviewed by the IODE Officers in consultation with the IODE Steering Group for OBIS.

OBIS Node Health Status Check and Transition Strategy

OBIS nodes should operate under IODE as either IODE/ADU or IODE/NODC. As such OBIS nodes are a member of the IODE network.

The IODE Steering Group (SG) for OBIS evaluates the health status of OBIS nodes at each annual SG meeting, and considers an OBIS node as inactive when it meets any of the following conditions:

  1. The OBIS node manager recurrently fails to answer the communications from the project manager or the SG co-chairs in the last 12 months
  2. The OBIS node manager or a representative fails to attend (personally or virtually) the last 2 SG meetings without any written reason
  3. The OBIS node does not have an IPT
  4. The OBIS node has an IPT, but it has not been running for the last 12 months
  5. The datasets in the OBIS node’s IPT have been removed and not restored in the last 12 months (without any explanation)
  6. The OBIS node has not provided new data for the last 2 years

The OBIS Secretariat prepares a health status check report of each OBIS node based on the six items above and informs the OBIS node manager on their status 3 months before the SG meeting. At the SG meeting, the SG-OBIS co-chair will present the results of the OBIS nodes health status check report including a listing of the inactive OBIS nodes. The SG-OBIS members representing active OBIS Nodes will make one of the following decisions:

  1. Request the inactive OBIS node to submit a plan with actions, deliverables and times to improve their performance, within 3 months, to the OBIS Secretariat. This plan is reviewed and accepted by the OBIS-Executive Committee Or
  2. Provide a recommendation to the IOC Committee on IODE to remove the OBIS node from the IODE network.

In either case, the OBIS Secretariat will inform the OBIS node manager of the SG-OBIS decision, with a copy to the IODE officers and the IODE national coordinator for data management of the country concerned.

The IODE Committee is requested to consider the recommendation from the OBIS Steering Group and it may either accept the recommendation or request the inactive OBIS node to submit an action plan (option 1).

When the inactive OBIS node is removed from the IODE network, the SG-OBIS will ask whether another OBIS node is interested in taking over the responsibilities of the removed OBIS node, until a new OBIS node in the country/region is established.

3.2 OBIS Steering Group


  • Propose, and revise as necessary, the vision, mission, objectives, strategies (e.g. sustainability), management structure, work plans, budgets and timetables for OBIS
  • Review and respond to reports from OBIS coordination groups
  • Monitor the implementation of the adopted work plan, identify any technical, scientific or capacity challenges and suggest appropriate responses
  • Seek to support each other with resource mobilisation to advance the mission of OBIS together
  • Report to the IODE Management Group (every year) and IODE Committee (every two years)


  • Regular meetings of the Steering Group will be held at least once a year. The Co-Chairs can decide, in consultation with the members, to have additional meetings if needed
  • OBIS Steering Group decisions are made by consensus. Voting will only be organized if co-chairs identify that all means have been exhausted and no consensus can be reached with decisions accepted by two-thirds majority of members in attendance, with one vote per node in attendance
  • Co-chairs can act on behalf of their Nodes for portions of these meetings if they explicitly state the role in which they are acting


  • Two Co-Chairs (2 seats), who are elected from the membership of the Steering Group
  • Co-Chairs of the OBIS coordination groups (6 seats). Appointments shall be for a term of 2 years, renewable for one further term.
  • OBIS nodes (up to 16 seats): OBIS node managers (or one alternate) who are not already represented as co-chairs or CG co-chairs. Each OBIS node should inform the OBIS secretariat of any changes to their representative(s) as soon as possible. OBIS nodes need reconfirmation after two 2-year terms
  • OBIS secretariat (2 seats) OBIS Programme manager as SG-OBIS technical secretary, and OBIS technical coordinator

3.3 OBIS Co-Chairs

The role of (Co-)Chair(s) is:

  • To (Co-)Chair sessions of the OBIS Steering Group and OBIS Executive Committee
  • To call for meetings of the OBIS Steering Group, in close consultation with the Programme Manager and/or IODE/OBIS Secretariat
  • To assist the Programme Manager and/or IODE/OBIS Secretariat with the preparation of OBIS Programme Component reports
  • To represent OBIS and its Steering Group, and to promote OBIS at meetings and other events


  • Co-Chairs must act independently of other affiliations and will not represent their institution, node or country while performing co-chair duties.
  • Co-Chairs may focus (in addition to the tasks outlined above) on particular elements of the OBIS work plan if they have specific expertise in those elements.
  • Co-Chairs should expect to dedicate a minimum of 160 working hours per year to their duties, including monthly video conferences, one or more representations at IODE management group and Committee meetings, major international conferences or special events on behalf of OBIS, and leadership duties in preparation and execution of annual SG-OBIS meetings.
  • Co-Chairs positions are not funded by IODE/OBIS, and SG-OBIS members seeking nomination to become Co-Chair are encouraged to obtain full support from their home institutions to cover time and expenses of the role as part of core duties. Travel support may be provided by the IODE OBIS Programme component when available.
  • It is required that Programme Managers, IODE/OBIS Secretariat and OBIS Co-Chairs communicate frequently.
  • Co-Chairs are elected based on their level of activity in the work of the Steering Group over a period of time, the respect they have gained from the membership of the Group and their professional expertise related to the subject of OBIS. Proficiency in the working language of the group is essential.
  • Experience in mobilizing resources is an additional element but not a requirement.
  • Elections of Co-Chairs can only be held during regular meetings of the Steering Group during which a quorum of the membership is present.
  • Co-Chairs are elected for one inter-sessional period of the Steering Group (regular meeting), with the possibility of re-election for an additional term. In exceptional circumstances Co-Chairs (or one of them) can be re-elected for a third term. If more than one regular meeting is organized within a calendar year then the term of office will be one year. Exceptions (e.g. further extensions) are possible by a decision of the IODE Committee.
  • In exceptional cases one or more Co-Chairs can be invited from outside the Steering Group if they can bring in exceptional expertise or experience or if no other candidates have come forward. In such cases the Steering Group will need to invite them as members first after which he/she/they can be elected (Co-)Chair(s). Non-voting members are ineligible to serve as Co-Chair.
  • When (Co-)Chair(s) step down after one or two terms they may remain as members of the Steering Group and Executive Committee for the subsequent term. They should inform the OBIS Programme Manager at the time they inform of their decision to step down as co-chair.
  • When Co-Chairs step down after one or two terms, they will become Past Co-Chairs and will be invited to provide guidance to the incoming Co-Chairs during the first term of the new Co-Chairs. This will be a voluntary service to the new Co-Chairs and the outgoing Co-Chairs may decline.
  • Co-Chairs should inform the OBIS Programme Manager and IODE Secretariat of their desire to step down at least 6 months before the expiry of their term of office or next regular meeting of the Steering Group, whichever comes first. This will allow the Programme Manager and IODE Secretariat to start the election procedure for the new Co-Chairs.
  • The Co-Chairs are not involved in the day-to-day implementation of OBIS which is the remit of the OBIS Programme Manager.
  • Nominations for Co-Chairs shall be accepted from members of the SG-OBIS as either nomination on behalf of another or self-nominations.

3.4 OBIS Secretariat

The OBIS secretariat, hosted at the UNESCO/IOC project office for IODE in Oostende (Belgium), provides training and technical assistance to its network of partners including OBIS nodes and data providers, guides and advices on the development of new data standards and technical developments, and encourages international cooperation and implement the OBIS work plan and oversees the budget, to foster the group benefits of the network.

The OBIS Secretariat currently has 2 fixed term regular programme positions: an OBIS programme manager and an OBIS technical coordinator with the following tasks and objectives:

The OBIS programme manager will:

  • Coordinate the day-to-day planning and implementation of the OBIS work plan, including organizing meetings of the OBIS steering group, OBIS executive committee, OBIS coordination groups (data, products, and OBIS nodes), and supervising the OBIS secretariat staff.
  • Coordinate the planning and implementation of other Extra Budgetary projects.
  • Support the implementation of the IODE work plan and assist with the planning and implementation of the IODE/OBIS contribution to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.
  • Establish, maintain, and strengthen (international) partnerships (e.g., GBIF, MBON, GOOS, MarineLife2030, CBD, BBNJ, IPBES etc).
  • Ensure a performance management culture within the secretariat team. Through regular staff team meetings: listen, seek views, monitor performance, solve problems, and meet needs of colleagues and collaborators. More specifically:
    • set clear objectives for the team and ensure effective/timely completion of all performance management related tasks.
    • provide regular performance feedback on the implementation of set task objectives, including expected behavior and development needs.
    • address all performance related issues in a timely manner and propose corrective measures for any under-performance. In cases of strong performance, commend staff and seek ways to leverage for improved overall team performance.
  • Set professional and inter-personal development objectives.

The OBIS technical coordinator will:

  • Be responsible for the technical and scientific coordination, implementation and maintenance of the OBIS data system and planning of related programme activities.
  • More specifically:
    • In close collaboration with the Head of the IOC Project Office for IODE, OBIS programme component manager and OBIS team, establish technical programme goals, plan of activities, budget proposals, and performance measures - in accordance with technical guidance from the IODE Committee and OBIS coordination and steering groups.
    • Coordinate and provide technical maintenance and further development of the OBIS technology stack and infrastructure; Manage the technical implementation of the OBIS work plan; Manage and provide support to the OBIS data and products coordination groups; Provide terms of reference for, and monitor/evaluate progress of, contractors hired to provide technical work; Collaborate closely with the Ocean Data and Information System (ODIS) team to ensure interoperability between ODIS and OBIS.
    • Resource mobilization: Manage drafting technical and scientific aspects of extra-budgetary project proposals, as well as the technical and scientific implementation of approved extra-budgetary projects.
    • Networking and Outreach: Participate in meetings of technical groups as well as the OBIS steering group and other relevant events; Assist with the promotion and communication of the OBIS programme component.
    • Provide assistance with technical support of IODE databases and other IT services of, or hosted by, the IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium.

3.5 OBIS Coordination Groups

Each of the coordination groups will have one or two Co-Chair(s) who will:

  1. Chair meetings according to the group’s agreed-upon schedule
  2. Ensure that tasks are appropriately distributed amongst the group members
  3. Coordinate their activities with the other coordination groups
  4. Report to and represent their group at the OBIS SG
  5. Participate/report in OBIS Executive Committee meetings

Each group should also maintain a secretary position to promote consistent notetaking across meetings.

All coordination groups should use the same collaborative tools, proposed by the Secretariat and available in all countries, to maintain a clear record of group activities and progress accessible to the Secretariat and members of the OBIS Coordination Groups. The Coordination Group reports will be made public.

OBIS Nodes Coordination group

The Nodes Coordination group (NCG) provides a forum for all OBIS nodes to discuss ongoing activities, priorities, and barriers they may be facing.

Membership to this group is mandatory for all OBIS nodes, with at least one representative from each node attending. Meetings will occur every two months. Chairs will lead the membership in pursuing methods to promote communication from all parts of the world and overcome the challenge of time-zone coordination (e.g. leveraging asynchronous communication methods).

Group activities will include:

  • Facilitate inter-Node communication and exchange of expertise
  • Define priority objectives to guide the efforts of OBIS Nodes
  • Coordinate and distribute the work related to mobilisation of datasets
  • Provide advice to the OBIS Steering Group on the OBIS science mission, policy, and management relevance and strategic priorities
  • Identify and pursue new directions, potential pilot projects, potential resources, and areas of development for data-driven research and ocean policy and management applications, as well as investigate timely topics to help set future strategic directions
    • This will be done in coordination with the Data Coordination Group and Products Coordination Group
  • Coordinate communication of Node successes and achievements
  • Provide annual OBIS node activity reports and mutual support for the challenges of individual nodes
  • Identify and resolve training needs within the community
  • Coordinate and implement any inter-Node related activities agreed-upon by the SG to achieve the OBIS mission

OBIS Data Coordination group

The OBIS Data Coordination Group (DCG) will focus on topics/issues related to OBIS Priority Area 1: Data mobilisation and input.

The OBIS data coordination group will consist of two Co-Chairs and a body of voluntary members. There will be no limit to the number of members who can join. Members can include OBIS Sec, node staff, as well as interested or invited experts.

The OBIS data coordination group will:

  • Identify, prioritise, and propose solutions for issues around the following topics:
    • Data and metadata standards and formats
    • Data QC
    • Taxonomy
    • Vocabularies
    • Methods of bringing new data into the system
  • Identify data gaps and, in collaboration with the OBIS Nodes Coordination group, prioritise and coordinate data mobilisation efforts
  • Ensure the fitness of quality metrics for assessing the current status of OBIS data (e.g. spatial and taxonomic completeness)
  • Maintain the OBIS Manual; especially regarding standards or methods
  • Engage with activities of other relevant bodies (e.g. TDWG, GBIF, GOOS, SCOR) by identifying representatives who will report back to the group

OBIS Products Coordination group

The OBIS Products Coordination group (PCG) is a collaborative and interdisciplinary group that is driven by the importance of creating data and information products (i.e. indicators) that are scientifically sound, practical, and relevant to decision-makers in government, industry, and civil society. PCG focuses on OBIS Priority Area 2: Data application and output.

The PCG will consist of one or two co-chairs and a body of voluntary members. There will be no limit to the number of members who can join. Members can include OBIS Sec, node staff, as well as interested or invited experts.

We consider data and information products any type of analysis (description, data visualisation, etc.) that synthesises and generates new information from data hosted on OBIS and other sources.

The OBIS Products Coordination Group will:

  • Identify, prioritise, and coordinate the development of data and information products that are of interest to our user community
  • Advise on how best to showcase and catalogue data and information products developed by the wider OBIS community, in line with the OBIS Data Policy, including proper acknowledgment of other formats of resources (e.g. software applications, workflows, papers, etc.)
  • Set minimum metadata and quality requirements for data and information products
  • Propose and develop tools, pipelines, and documentation that can bolster the development of products based on OBIS data.
  • Support groups/institutions working on products development (e.g. early warning systems, ecological synthesis groups, etc.) to identify potential collaborations
  • Propose a process for frequent expert validation of data and information products by consulting with local scientific experts and end-users (including local communities and indigenous people)
  • Engage with activities of other relevant bodies by identifying representatives and report back to the group

3.6 OBIS Executive Committee

The OBIS Executive Committee will:

  • Support the secretariat and assist with the management of OBIS
  • Address issues that arise intersessionally
  • Work with the secretariat to draft documents, monitor the work plan, and otherwise ensure that the work of the Steering Group and Coordination Groups progresses
  • To monitor the implementation of the adopted work plan, identify any technical, scientific and capacity challenges and suggest appropriate responses


  • The OBIS EC meets 4 times per year, online and in-person if necessary
  • The OBIS EC can invite experts to join a meeting as required


  • SG-OBIS Co-Chairs and the most recent outgoing Co-Chair(s)
  • Coordination groups Co-Chairs
  • Secretariat/ Programme Manager